Mathias Ruch speaks about beginning his career in the dot-com boom, becoming an investor, enabler and facilitator of the blockchain ecosystem in Switzerland, leading the Blockchain Taskforce of the Swiss government, why blockchain technology presents the most important opportunity of his life and for Switzerland, how he screens investments in blockchain companies, entrepreneurial characteristics, why passion eats strategy for breakfast, what he would do differently as an entrepreneur today, Switzerland as a business location for blockchain entrepreneurs, and much more.

Mathias is the Founder and Managing Partner at Lakeside Partners, one of the leading early-stage investment companies in Switzerland’s Crypto Valley, and he is the Co-Initiator of the Blockchain Competition and Initiator of Crypto Valley Labs. Mathias has been in the digital startup scene for 20 years as an entrepreneur and angel investor, and before focusing on blockchain technology, he built and exited several successful online and media companies. Mathias is also leading the Blockchain Taskforce, assembled by the Swiss Federal Council.

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