Oct 10, 2018 | Podcast
Alexander Bulkin speaks about combining social sciences with blockchain technology at CoinFund (which he co-founded), why crypto funds are becoming tech companies, the antifragility of cryptoassets, cryptoeconomic primitives and the challenges with developing them,...
Jul 16, 2018 | Podcast
Tone Vays speak about his approach to technical analysis of the bitcoin price, why other cryptoassets can’t reach Bitcoin, relevant time frames for analyzing the bitcoin price, which companies in the blockchain space make sense, ICOs (mostly why they don’t...
Jun 29, 2018 | Podcast
Jack Tatar speaks about his book “Cryptoassets” (written with Chris Burniske), why the real value of bitcoin is not zero (answering to Adriano Lucatelli), the real value of the crypto ecosystem, financial companies dipping their feet in the crypto waters,...
Jun 27, 2018 | Podcast
Adriano B. Lucatelli speaks about why he thinks the real value of Bitcoin is zero, different narratives of Bitcoin valuation, the comparison of Bitcoin to gold and fiat money, Austrian Economics and Bitcoin, dealing with criticism for his strong views, what the real...