Analyzing the Price of Bitcoin – Tone Vays

Tone Vays speak about his approach to technical analysis of the bitcoin price, why other cryptoassets can’t reach Bitcoin, relevant time frames for analyzing the bitcoin price, which companies in the blockchain space make sense, ICOs (mostly why they don’t...

Putting Insurance on the Blockchain – Paul Meeusen, CEO at B3i

Paul Meeusen speaks about starting the Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative (B3i), the ins and outs of running (and keeping under the radar) a blockchain pilot in a multinational organization and all the challenges that come with it, why he chose not to use an ICO...

From Cryptography to Token Economics – Anish Mohammed, Ontici

Anish Mohammed speaks about his career as a cryptographer, the brilliance of Bitcoin, tokenizing transport, the mechanics of token economics, benefits of tokeninzation in developing and developed countries, token engineering, how the increasing specialization in the...

Trailer – The Blockchain and Us

Hello and welcome to The Blockchain and Us. I’m your host, Manuel Stagars, and I’m very excited to announce this new podcast with interviews with pioneers, thought leaders and innovators in blockchain technology, cryptoassets, and the token economy. Feel...