Aug 23, 2018 | Podcast
Hubert Ritzdorf speaks about automatic auditing of smart contracts, why almost all smart contracts have bugs, specs of smart contracts, the hacks of the Parity wallet, skills necessary to hack smart contracts, why hacking smart contracts is easier than hacking web...
Aug 9, 2018 | Podcast
Ron Resnick speaks about leading the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), how he goes about creating standards, specs and certifications for blockchain applications, why companies join and what they plan to do with Ethereum, why some companies “get”...
Jul 9, 2018 | Podcast
Joe Lubin speaks about his vision for a decentralized world and the role Ethereum and ConsenSys play in it, what most people misunderstand about Ethereum, why it is hard to imagine what blockchain technology will do for us in 2025, why silos are coming to an end, how...
Jul 4, 2018 | Podcast
Paul Meeusen speaks about starting the Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative (B3i), the ins and outs of running (and keeping under the radar) a blockchain pilot in a multinational organization and all the challenges that come with it, why he chose not to use an ICO...